
5 ways to stop your dog barking excessively

Thursday 12 May, 2016

In the same way that we chat to convey information, barking is your dog’s way of communicating. While barking is normal, excessive barking often indicates an underlying problem. Dogs can bark excessively for many reasons such as boredom, to get attention, defend their territory or when they’re anxious. Once you determine the cause, consider these…read more

5 reasons why your dog barks too much

Thursday 05 May, 2016

Barking is a natural way for your dog to vocalise, even though it may sometimes seem like they’re barking about nothing. Dogs actually bark for many different reasons – to communicate, to show excitement, to give warning, or to simply gain attention. Barking only really becomes problematic if an occasional bark turns into excessive barking.…read more

3 fun games your dog will love

Wednesday 04 May, 2016

Regular exercise not only helps your dog maintain a healthy weight, it also provides mental stimulation and burns up excess energy. There are lots of ways to give your dog their daily fix of activity. Here are 3 fun games to engage your furry friend’s mind: 1. FIND IT A treasure hunt for your dog.…read more

5 ways to help your dog loose weight

Thursday 28 April, 2016

So … you have yourself an overweight dog. Regardless of why your dog may have packed on the pounds, the great thing about being aware your dog is overweight, is that you can start taking action. Start off by consulting your vet to find out your dog’s current weight and to get help developing a…read more

Is my dog overweight?

Thursday 21 April, 2016

We all want our dogs to be happy, but sometimes that translates into feeding our dogs too much or letting them skip out on exercise. This means your dog can start to transition from cute and cuddly into plump and pudgy. As difficult as it is to resist pleading puppy-dog eyes or to exercise your…read more

5 ways to improve your dog’s health

Thursday 07 April, 2016

Dog is not just a pet, but a treasured member of the family. And just like you, we want all members of the family to live as long, as happy and as healthy a life as possible. But despite their expressive eyes, lick-ready tongues and waggly tails, dogs are not always the best communicators. So…read more

What type of bones should I feed my dog?

Tuesday 29 March, 2016

Like most dog owners, you are probably continually looking for new ways to spoil your pet and show your furry friend how much you love them. We hope our last weeks’ post about what human foods dogs can eat gave you some ideas on how to reward your dog. Bones are often seen as rewards…read more

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Top 15 human foods your dog can eat

Tuesday 22 March, 2016

Living with a dog usually means dealing with plenty of begging at mealtimes. Even when you’re a responsible owner, it can still be tough to resist those hungry puppy eyes at your feet. If you’ve read our last week’s blog post, you probably know that many types of food can be dangerous for dogs, but…read more

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Top 15 human foods your dog shouldn’t eat

Friday 18 March, 2016

Foods that are perfectly suitable for human consumption may be toxic and even poisonous to your dog, posing a serious threat to its health and well-being. So whether you’re tempted to feed your dog the occasional table scrap or simply looking to supplement their diet, here is a list of human foods not to feed…read more

How much and how often should I feed my dog?

Tuesday 15 March, 2016

Your faithful furry friend may spend a fair amount of time staring longingly at your plate, but the ideal dog diet doesn’t revolve around table scraps. You not only need the proper dog food, but you also need to know how much to feed your dog and what type of feeding schedule works best for…read more


What is the difference between a food intolerance & a food allergy?

Thursday 04 June, 2015

We often confuse food intolerances with food allergies, mainly because both share a range of symptoms that are common. As a pet owner, it is distressing to see your companion suffer from the associated uncomfortable symptoms. These affect the quality of life of your companion and their relationship with you. However, the mechanisms that cause…read more

active dogs

Will Dig-In make my dog more active?

Thursday 14 May, 2015

“Dig-In is for dogs of all ages and breeds. We believe in the enjoyment of a healthy and active lifestyle for you and your companion.” This quote that you may have come across on our website has raised a few questions. People are concerned that feeding their pet Dig-In as a normal part of their diet…read more

Dig-In Digestive Gravy Powder

Unexpected findings from the Dig-In trial

Wednesday 29 April, 2015

After we developed Dig-In, we ran an in-home 30-day trial to ensure that pet owners could see for themselves the effects that we had seen in our own trials. The Dig-In trial ran between July and August 2013, over the course of 30 days. In total, twenty one dogs across Australia took part in the trial.…read more

Dig-In Powder Wet Food

How soon will I see results using Dig-In?

Wednesday 15 April, 2015

Pet allergies are a strange thing. Allergies caused by food can show up in many different ways. For example, it can show up as red blotchy marks on the skin, incessant scratching or ear rubbing, etc. From our experience, after you start mixing the Dig-In Digestive Gravy Powder with your pet’s meal, you should see…read more