
Use of Dog probiotics are on the rise – why?

Wednesday 19 September, 2018

At Dig-In we were privileged to be among the first companies to offer prebiotics specifically for dogs. Inspired by the pleasure of owning a dog we believe that we have a very serious responsibility to our pets. That unerring loyalty, the ineffable companionship is one of life’s greatest pleasures. For that, they deserve to be…read more

Are Dog Probiotics a waste of money?

Friday 03 August, 2018

Last month on Dig-In, we touched on the difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics. If you missed it you can catch up on it – here. In a nutshell, we delved into the differences and more importantly how prebiotics’ create the best environment for your dog’s good gut bacteria to grow and flourish, readying and laying…read more

Improving Your Dog’s Coat Quality

Thursday 19 July, 2018

A Good Coat makes a Good Bond Did you know that petting a dog, locking eyes and even talking to one has been linked to lowering blood pressure, decreasing stress in humans and the simultaneous release of oxytocin? For many owners, whether you are aware of it or not, it’s just one of the many,…read more

5 Common Cocker Spaniel Health Problems

Tuesday 08 May, 2018

  With their expressive eyes and ever-wagging tail, the Cocker Spaniel has become a familar and loved breed throughout many Australian homes. Ever willing to please, energetic and more than a little sensitive, American and English Cocker Spaniels are among the best companion breeds. But, like any breed of dog, they have some susceptibilities and…read more

8 Signs Your Dog Is Happy

Thursday 29 March, 2018

At Dig-In we stand by our motto ‘happiness is healthy’. Being around a happy dog is infectious and despite whatever kind of day you’ve had your troubles melt away. There are few joys in life that match being greeted by your best friend tail wagging, excited panting and even smiling. But what about after they’ve…read more

Can Dig-In Help with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome?

Wednesday 24 January, 2018

Like their human counterparts, Dogs are living longer lives. Access to better nutrition, quality veterinary care and… dare we say it, an easier life, has ensured that our faithful furry friends will be around for longer. But, it can come with a tragic twist. Similarly, to us when dogs grow older they become more susceptible…read more

Five Minutes With The Robust Jack Russel

Monday 18 December, 2017

The Jack Russel is a hardy breed, very enthusiastic with a tonne of energy – originally bred to hunt foxes this little guy is driven, tenacious and rarely ill. If you’re looking for a hardy active breed with a strong sense of loyalty the Jack Russel is hard to overlook. Personality and Temperance Stubborn, fearless, loyal,…read more

Are You Ready to Get a Dog?

Monday 06 November, 2017

The human and dog relationship spans back millennia. In return for shelter and provision, they helped us hunt, watched us whilst we slept and gave up the call of the wild. It’s no wonder that the old adage goes “Dog is man’s best friend.” With Christmas fast approaching, a puppy or family dog may be…read more

Keep Your Dog Cool this Summer

Monday 16 October, 2017

It seems that every month is in competition with the former month to be the hottest on record. Whilst this can certainly be uncomfortable for us it can be worse for your dog, so, with summer fast approaching we thought it a good time to offer you our tips to keeping Fido cool this summer.…read more

Where to Find Good Advice for Your Dog

Thursday 21 September, 2017

It seems in recent memory that dog care has grown infinitely more complex. In previous decades, more than a few us wouldn’t think twice before feeding their dog a cooked bone. In this day and age, we wouldn’t dream of it. Likewise, remember dog chocolates? These days you have a choice between carob or yoghurts…read more

Does Your Dog Need Supplements?

Wednesday 17 May, 2017

We live in an age where we are actively encouraged to pursue optimal health by efficient means. At some stage in this journey, we started the compromise of balanced diets for vitamin and mineral rich supplements – and now we’re starting along this path with our dogs. So, the question is, do our loyal four-legged friends…read more

Dig in gravy powder winter dogs

What does winter do to your dog?

Friday 24 March, 2017

It’s almost time for those winter coats and warm night-time snuggles! Looking at your pooch and the cool months ahead, here’s some advice from our experts at Dig In about caring for your dog all winter long. Sunbake, don’t hibernate Melatonin is a vital hormone for your dog’s sleep regulation and is produced in the pineal…read more