5 Common Cavoodle Health Problems

This adorable designer breed is a cross between the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and usually (but not always) a toy poodle. Thanks to its more diverse genetic makeup from both parents Cavoodles can be more robust and less inclined to particular defects. But… you are purchasing a designer dog breed, and you should satisfy yourself…read more

Our Take on Supplement for Dogs

So Fido’s skin is itchy, he’s beginning to sport a limp after a long run or there is a general lacklustre in him that is noticeable. As an owner, you’re very tuned into what your dog’s behaviours are and what they should be. A balanced diet is often key to the ongoing health of your…read more

Kane & Jason

Dig-In has built relationships with customers over the years. The people who have ordered repeatedly have joined Frank’s “call and check in” list. We start to know the names of their dogs and the special place that they hold in the hearts of their owners. You see, we’re all dog lovers here, that small bundle…read more

5 Common dog behaviours explained

Dogs are an endless source of joy for owners. But sometimes they also show some odd behaviours that can leave owners scratching their heads. From burying bones to sustained intense staring while going to the toilet, all their behavioural tendencies have a reason. We thought it would be interesting to delve into a few of…read more

5 ways to ease your dog’s separation anxiety post isolation

With restrictions easing across the nation, schools being re-opened and the ‘the new normal’ on the agenda, many owners are finding themselves having to once again leave their dogs at home for extended periods. A few months ago this was part of their routine but since you’ve been stuck at home due to restrictions your…read more

Can I give my dog’s bones?

  There is a lot of confusion about dogs and bones. In recent years the message seems to have gotten muddled and for many ‘fur babies’ bones are off the menu for good. While for some dogs that may be true, for others it isn’t. Bones can be a great addition to many dogs diets…read more

Skin Irritation in Dogs! The causes and what to do about it…

Here’s a scenario that EVERY dog owner is familiar with. You’re sitting at home enjoying a quiet night in, maybe Netflix is on and you’re working your way through the latest series. Maybe you’re tucked up in bed reading away, but despite trying desperately to throw yourself into your book, series, nap, conversation and enjoy…read more

3 Common French Bulldog Health Problems That Every Owner Needs to Know.

The French Bulldog or ‘Frenchie’ has a really interesting history. Spanning back to pre-industrial Britain and the lace makers of Nottingham who kept smaller bulldogs as companions and rat catchers.  As the industrial age threatened lace-makers livelihood in the UK owners migrated to France where the Bulldogs were bred with terriers and pugs – eventually…read more

The Ultimate Healthy Pet Food – Why use ‘Dig-In’ Fresh?

Recently we had the opportunity to sit in on a conversation with Frank Van Doore, creator of Dig-In, as he explained ‘why’ Dig-In Fresh is the best, safest dog food in the world. What we learned is that many pet owners are aware that the pet food industry is letting their much-loved pets down. What…read more

Dig-In: Proud to assist the Koala detection dogs

(Pic: ‘Missy’ The Koala Detection at the ready with an abundance of energy thanks to Dig-In ) When looking at our pet dog, it may be hard for us to imagine them fulfilling any role other than a loving companion. However throughout history, the humble dog has been eager to serve and prove its worth,…read more

Customer Journey: Help Getting Your Labrador to Poo right

(pic: Abby the Labrador – loose stool warrior. ) You’ve just got to love a Labrador! Intelligent, warm, easy-going and well… just plain beautiful. Their friendly nature and soulful eyes have seen them remain on the top of the list of Australia’s favourite breeds for over five years now (source:http://ankc.org.au/). But what happens when your…read more

A speculative look at Raw dog food diets

With Dig-In Fresh now available we thought we’d Dig-In a little deeper into alternative dog food diets. Raw dog food diets have become a bit of a phenomenon and depending on which camp you sit in, you’re either strongly for or strongly against Raw food diets. There are some benefits of the diet, but the…read more

Making your own dog food – balanced and healthy

What you’re probably missing when you ‘make your own dog food’ If you’re a ‘Do It Yourself’ dog foodie, give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve made a great decision as well as making a tremendous and positive impact on your dog’s life. After all, nothing says ‘I love you’ more than a delicious…read more

Should You Start Making Your Own Dog Food?

Here at Dig-In, we’ve committed ourselves to create healthy and happy dogs. We created Dig-In to boost the healthful range of any dog food, be that off the shelf at your local supermarket or a high-quality mix of your own making. Lately, we’ve noticed that there is an increase in people making their own dog…read more