It’s time we catch up with our old friend Bandit, an energetic, age-defying Blue Australian Cattle Dog. When we first met Bandit he was scratching a lot and was off his food. When Bandit’s owner Magaret reached out to us to see if Dig-In could help Bandit. We were confident that Dig-In would help.
Soon enough, we heard about Bandit’s progress, and as we hoped, Bandit was back in good stead and feeling himself. Let’s take a look at their testimonial from 2013:
“I would definitely recommend Dig-In to my friends and let them know the benefits my dog has received from it. Bandit loves his meals and has not been scratching at all, his coat is so soft and shiny… and he’s also extremely frisky!”

Fast forward to 2021, we can proudly say that Bandit and Magaret have become lifelong Dig-In customers. Margaret reached out to us to give us an update on Bandit and how he has been doing eight years and many tubs of Dig-In later. Bandit is now 14 years old, and while he isn’t as active as the six-year-old ‘pup’ we fell in love with back in 2013, he is still a happy dog. In Magaret’s words:
“Bandit test drove your product way back in 2013 when you were starting up, he is now 14 years and 8 months old, he is now also deaf and almost completely blind but still going strong and as happy as ever as you can see by the attached photo. I have even told rescue groups about your products too. I will be placing an order tomorrow for some of the powder as I know how good it is for my fur babies. I have two new ones as all the others that I had with Bandit have all passed away before him. I love that you still use Bandit’s story after all these years. It really touches my heart. Many thanks for the great service and products that you produce.”

It’s genuinely thrilling to get this feedback from people and their beloved pets. It keeps us focused on our mission to help keep dogs happy and healthy. We are honoured to be a part of the adventure. Owning a dog is a tremendous responsibility but its rewards are great. As George Eliot said, “Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms”. This unconditional bond is something we treasure. With that in mind, we’d like to say a huge thank you to Magaret and Bandit for sharing.
If your dog is having issues with scratching or is off their food, Dig-In’s range of Canine prebiotic may be just the thing they need to get back to their usual self. Dig-In has many benefits outside of assisting recovery, it’s also a wonderful method to boost the nutritional value of any “store-bought” dog food. Dig-In Prebiotic supplement is a fantastic anytime ingredient that will increase the benefits of your dog’s diet while also assisting your dog’s recovery and recuperation, and ultimately improving their wellbeing.
Whether your dog eats fresh or store-bought dog food, Dig-In has a prebiotic that will benefit your dog and have them happy as ever. Try Dig-In Fresh or Dig-In Prebiotic Supplement today.